What is the EPA and why are refrigerants being reclaimed?

In July 9, 1970, President Nixon submitted Reorganization Plan No. 3 establishing the Environmental Protection Agency. In the president’s message to Congress regarding Reorganization Plan No. 3, he said that the government was “not structured to make a coordinated attack on the pollutants which debase the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the […]
What You Should Know When It Comes To Refrigerant Leak Detection

Underestimating how much you are losing every year due to refrigerant leaks can be a critical blind spot for your business. Not only that, the EPA has cracked down on damaging and toxic refrigerant leaks – in the fall of 2016, the EPA updated existing requirements related to ozone-depleting substances such as CFCs and HCFCs […]
Chlorofluorocarbons and the Environment

It’s winter and everyone’s scrambling to make it a profitable holiday season. It’s understandable if ensuring that your old refrigerants and refrigerant cylinders are cleaned is low on your list of priorities, but that might be an oversight. If you’ve got any old cylinders lying around, you could be leaving your money out in the […]
Does Your Company Handle Refrigerants? We Have a Christmas Gift for You!

It’s winter and everyone’s scrambling to make it a profitable holiday season. It’s understandable if ensuring that your old refrigerants and refrigerant cylinders are cleaned is low on your list of priorities, but that might be an oversight. If you’ve got any old cylinders lying around, you could be leaving your money out in the […]
Winter and Your Refrigerants – What You Need to Know

While it’s easy to think that refrigerants aren’t important during the colder months of the year, this common misconception can result in inefficiencies in your HVAC system and higher costs for your business. What refrigerants actually do is move heat around – it doesn’t “create” cold. So if you use something like a heat pump, […]
A Scary Story – Not Getting Paid for Your Used Refrigerants

As October rolls around and we wind up for the Halloween season, the scariest thing for a business-owner isn’t going to be ghouls, ghosts or goblins – it’s losing money. We’re well into fall by now (the equinox was on the 22nd of September this year), and temperatures are going to be dropping soon. If […]
Why You Should be Exchanging Your Old Refrigerants Regularly

If you’re a business owner, taking care of your HVAC or refrigeration system’s refrigerants is probably pretty low down on your list of priorities. Here at Refrigerant Services LLC, we’re committed to creating a cleaner and eco-friendlier society – we do that by recovering and replacing any old, contaminated or non-EPA compliant refrigerants you might […]
Did you know you can exchange your used refrigerants for cash?

If you own a business, it’s highly likely that you have some kind of HVAC equipment or heating device. After all, it’s hard for people to work productively when they’re sweating during the summer or shivering during the winter. These devices work through the use of refrigerants – the only problem is not all these […]
What Is Refrigerant Reclamation?

In 2020, all cooling equipment that utilize R-22 refrigerants are expected to be totally phased out. The clock is ticking fast because in just a matter of three years, R-22 refrigerants should all be eradicated. This is being done to meet the agreements defined in the Montreal Protocol which calls for a ban on chemicals […]
How Refrigerants Affect the Environment

The Montreal Protocol In 2020, the EPA will be strictly enforcing a phase out of hyrdochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) to comply with provisions in the Montreal Protocol. There are 34 HCFCs subject to this phase out with R-22s being one of the most widely used. Formally known as Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, […]