It’s smack dab in the middle of winter and that means teeth-chatteringly cold temperatures in Michigan! What does this mean for any refrigerants that your business may use? To give an answer to that question, first we need to know the basics of the refrigeration cycle.
The job of the refrigeration cycle is to remove unwanted heat from one place and discharge it into another. To do this, the refrigerant is pumped through a closed refrigeration system; it keeps the refrigerant from becoming contaminated and controls its flow, since it is a liquid in some parts of the cycle and a gas or vapor in other phases.
Heat will travel from the warmer substance to the evaporator cooled by the evaporation of the refrigerant within the system, causing the refrigerant to “boil” and evaporate, changing it to a vapor. This is similar to the change that occurs when a pail of water is boiled on the stove and the water changes to steam, except that the refrigerant boils at a much lower temperature.
During winter, you’d most likely use a heat pump to heat your workplace. As the outdoor temperature gets colder, there is less and less heat in the air for the refrigeration system inside a heat pump to extract. It then becomes the job of the compressor and other components to amplify the heat in the system. No matter what heat pump you have, as it gets colder out its ability to extract heat and move it inside is reduced.
For a business owner’s perspective, what does this all mean? Simply that winter is hard on any system that relies on refrigerant—you need to squeeze every bit of efficiency out of them that you can, and you can’t do that if your refrigerants are old, dirty, or contaminated. To help with this we’ve got two simple options for you:
The Clean Exchange Program
Having old, damaged, or useless cylinders lying around isn’t just a waste of space, but can also be a waste of money. The main idea behind our Clean Exchange program is that we take your old, dilapidated or empty refrigerant cylinders and replace them with new, DOT-certified cylinders. We’ll pay you for any old or expired refrigerants that we can recover from your cylinders, so you aren’t just getting new cylinders, you’ll even get a new source of income. Rest assured we’ll give you our most competitive rates for your expired or leftover refrigerant – money that would otherwise have been left on the table.
The Buy Back Program
When you sign up for the Buy Back Program, you’ll have three options available to you. First, we can give you good-as-new refrigerants in return for your used, contaminated, or burnt refrigerants. Second, we can buy your old or used refrigerants at very competitive rates. And last, but not least, we can exchange your used refrigerants for EPA-compliant and environmentally safe types of refrigerants. In addition to the state-of-the-art technology we use to minimize leaks and toxic contamination, after completing all recovery procedures our team will inspect the surrounding area for any leakages or unwanted waste so that we can ensure that your workplace is safe. That’s a deal and a half.
The beginning of a new year is the chance for a fresh start! We’d be happy to tell you more about what our Clean Exchange Program and Buy Back Program have in store for you – simply call us at 844-PURECFC (7873232). If you’re too busy with the post-holiday rush and don’t have time to call, we have an online form that you can fill out and we’ll get in touch with you at a more convenient time.